
    姓名  姜伟      
  • 职称:副教授

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:青岛市宁夏路308号青岛大学国家重点实验室502


博士,副教授,硕士生导师,山东省泰山学者团队核心成员,曾获高水平大学国家公派研究生项目(CSC)留学美国2年,主要研究天然纤维素纤维的提取、分离与应用,植物染色及其纺织应用,纺织品快速分析技术,纺织质量控制与标准化。现主持国家自然科学基金等项目10余项,参与国家重点研发计划等项目8项,在Industrial corps and products等期刊发表高水平论文30余篇,申请专利17项,已获授权5项,主持起草工信部绿色设计标准1项,参与制定企业标准3项。



1. Kai Nie, … Wei Jiang. 2014. Preparation and Characterization of Microcellulose and Nanocellulose Fibers from Artemisia Vulgaris Bast. Polymers
2. Chengfeng Zhou, …Wei Jiang. Rapid identification of fibers from different waste fabrics using near infrared spectroscopy technique. 2014. Textile Research Journal
3. Song, Yan;… Wei Jiang. 2019. Utilization of deep eutectic solvent as a degumming protocol for Apocynum venetum bast. Cellulose
4. Wei Jiang et. al,.. 2018. Preparation of Nanocellulose Directly from Kenaf Bast: The Change in Particle Size. Bioresources
5. Wei Jiang et. al,... 2018. A green degumming process of ramie Wei Jiang, Yan Song, Shaoyang Liu, Haoxi Ben. Industrial Crops and Products
6. Wei Jiang et. al,... 2017. The degradation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in kenaf bast under different pressure using steam explosion treatment. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
7. Wei Jiang et. al,... 2017. Monitoring Chemical Changes on the Surface of Kenaf Fiber during Degumming Process Using Infrared Microspectroscopy. Scientific Reports
8. Wei Jiang et. al,... 2016. Classification and identification of plant fibrous material with different species using near infrared technique. Frontiers in Plant Science
9. Chengfeng Zhou, Wei Jiang. 2015. Prediction of multi-species hardwood chemical composition using FT-IR/FT-NIR technique. Carbohydrate Polymers.
10. Wei Jiang et. al,... Rapid assessment of coniferous biomass lignin-carbohydrates with near-infrared spectroscopy. Wood Science and Technology. 48(1): 109-122.