
    姓名 石振       
  • 职    称: 副教授

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  • 联系地址:青岛市青大路3号生态纺织省部共建协同创新中心


石振,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,美国内布拉斯加州州立大学林肯分校(UNL)访问学者,青岛大学青年卓越人才,生态纺织省部共建协同创新中心骨干科研人员,现任生态纺织省部共建协同创新中心党支部常务副书记,兼任中国纺织工程学会会员,美国化学学会(ACS)与美国纺织化学家和染色家协会(AATCC)会员,Carbohydrate Polymers、Journal of Cleaner Production、International Journal of Polymer Science、Cellulose、Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics、Textile Research Journal等SCI期刊特约审稿人。
2017-4至现在, 青岛大学, 澳门六合彩软件 轻化系, 副教授
2015-1至2017-4, 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所, 合成橡胶重点实验室,助理研究员(博士后)
2011-8至2013-8, 美国内布拉斯加州林肯大学, 教育和人文学院纺织、商品及时尚设计系, 访问学者
2005-7至2006-7, 山东济宁嘉达纺织有限公司(如意集团), 染色间, 工艺工程师


1. Research on the Application of PET/PP Composite Board Prepared by Recycling Waste Polyester Clothing in Furniture Products. ACS Sustainable Resource Management, 2024.
2. Residual-dye-derived carbon dots from wastewater for anti-counterfeiting and information encryption. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024.
3. FE simulation of pressure and volume shrinkage of top part of socks using ABAQUS. Textile Research Journal, 2024.
4. Study on the functional relationship between pressure and displacement with time for waist of elastic legwear using FEM. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2023.
5. Functional relationship among pressure, displacement and angle for the waist of elastic pantyhose using finite element simulation. Textile Research Journal, 2023.
6. Dynamic simulation of the relationship between pressure and displacement for the waist of elastic pantyhose in the walking process using the finite element method. Textile Research Journal, 2021.
7. Finite element simulation on the relationship between pressure and displacement for the waist of elastic pantyhose. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2021.
8. Numerical simulation of the area shrinkage mass for the waist of elastic pantyhose by using FEM. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2020.
9. Dynamic analysis on the functional relationship of pressure, displacement and angle for the top part of men's socks using FEM. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2019.
10. Dynamic simulation on the area shrinkage of lower leg for the top part of men's socks using finite element method. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2019.
11. Kafirin Protein Based Electrospun Fibers with Tunable Mechanical Property, Wettability, and Release Profile. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2016.
12. Development of wheat glutenin nanoparticles and their biodistribution in mice. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A,2015.
13. Tensile Properties of Thermoplastic Feather Films Grafted with Different Methacrylates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2014
14. Grafting Soyprotein Isolates with Various Methacrylates for Thermoplastic Applications. Industrial Crops and Products, 2014.
15. Effects of Monomers and Homopolymer Contents on the Dry and Wet Tensile Properties of Starch Films Grafted with Various Methacrylates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2014.
16. Development and Characteristics of Thermoplastics from Corn Distillers Grains Grafted with Various Methacrylates. Industrial & Engineering chemistry research,2014.
17. Development and Characterization of Thermoplastic Films from Sorghum Distillers Dried Grains Grafted with Various Methacrylates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2014.
18. Intrinsically Water-Stable Keratin Nanoparticles and Their In Vivo Biodistribution for Targeted Delivery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2014.
19. Bio-Thermoplastics from Grafted Chicken Feathers for Potential Biomedical Applications. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2013.
20. Hydrothermal pretreatment for the preparation of wool powders. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014.
21. 废旧涤纶纺织品制备纤维增强复合材料的研究现状[J]. 毛纺科技, 2023.
22. 本科生创新思维与实践能力培养模式的研究与实践[J]. 创新创业理论研究与实践, 2022.
23. 基于碳减排的废旧棉纺织品增强复合材料研究进展[J]. 毛纺科技, 2022.
24. 二元伯醇对活性染料墨水理化性能的影响[J]. 印染, 2019.
25. 蒸汽闪爆与碱处理结合法制备棉秆皮纤维[J]. 化工新型材料, 2015.
26. 纱线段染技术——一些染整技术的回顾之十二[J]. 印染, 2014.
27. 采用拉曼光谱、液相色谱对比研究羊毛、鸡毛的结构[J].光谱实验室,2010.
28. 纳米ZnO的表面改性研究[J].上海涂料,2008.
29.  “纺织之光”2023年度中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果,二等奖, 2023.
30. 吴江区科技领军人才,2018.