
    姓名 李艾真       
  • 职称:讲师

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:青岛市崂山区香港东路7号睿思楼7楼服装与服饰设计系





1.青岛大学人文社会横向课题:海绒花普通民用防护用品的设计开发(RH2000001341), 项时间:2020.05,主持。
青岛大学人文社会横向课题:基于VMD功能的 Art Wear设计开发(RH1900009843),立项时间:2019.05,主持。
韩国中小企业厅国家级课题Camping品牌进入国际市场和实现高附加值的设计方案研究研究时间:第一阶段,2015.05.01-2016.04. 30;第二阶段,2016.05.01-2017.04.30。研究成果报告书申报时间:2017.04.30。
韩国研究财团国家级课题应用空气注入式Airframe立体构造融合设计的 Airtent开发和产品化研究时间:第一阶段,2014.07.01-2015.06.30; 第二阶段,2015.07.01-2016.06.30。研究成果报告书申报时间:2016.08.30。
9. Aizhen Li, Hongyan Li. Innovative research and design development of Paper Clothing for funeral rites. 2019 9th International Conference on Social science and Education Research (SSER2019),2019:62-65.
10. Qiong Wu, Aizhen Li & Guangze Zheng, The Innovative Research of Graphene Composite Fiber Fabric in Functional Fashion, International Conference on Physics and Chemistry (ICPC 2019). 2019:**.
11. Aizhen Li, Soo-ah Choi*. The Characteristics of Costume Representation in Modern Society. 4th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities(ICCESSH 2019),2019,329:953-956.
12. Xiaowen Han, Aizhen Li*. An Analysis of the Dress Culture of Qipao. 2019 The Korean Society of Fashion Design Spring Conference,2019,83-84.
13. Wenjing Wang, Aizhen Li*. The Origin of " Le Smoking " Style Women's Wear. 2019 The Korean Society of Fashion Design Spring Conference,2019,92-93.
14. 李虹燕, 李艾
. 基于剪纸技法的现代旗袍设计研究.The 10th Cross-straits Conference on Textiles,2019,135.
李艾, 李虹燕. 新型丧葬用纸衣的研究与设计开发.The 10th Cross-straits Conference on Textiles,2019,139.
18. Choi Soo-ah*, Li Ai-zhen. A study on camping brand's BI formation and branding strategy, Journal of Communication Design Association of Korea,2018,04: 336-347.
19. Li Aizhen, Kim Jong-moo*. A Study on the Historical Validity of Men`s Suits during the Period of Republican China on the Spy Dramas - Focuse on < The Disguiser > and < Sparrow > -.Journal of Communication Design Association of Korea,2017,60: 306-317.
20. Aizhen Li, Sooah Choi*. Clothing Characteristics of Royal Women in Historical Dramas during the `Kang-Qian` Heyday in `Qing Dynasty` -Focus on < Empresses in the Palace >. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles,2017,41(3): 407-419.
21. Li Ai-zhen, Kim Hyun-joo*, Han Sul-a. Study on Aesthetics Characteristics of Architectural Modelling from Traditional Chinese Gardens of Suzhou in Modern Costume Design - Focused on Masha Ma 2014 S/S ~ 2016 S/S Collection -. Journal of Communication Design Association of Korea,2017,59:322-338.
22. Ai Zhen Li, Soo Ah Choi*. A Study on Aesthetic Traits of Japanese Traditional Costumes in Rei Kawakubo`s Fashion -Focused on Comme des Garcons` F/W 2011~S/S 2016 Men`s Collections-. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume,2015,65(8):125-135.
23. Ai Zhen Li, Soo Ah Choi*.
레이 카와쿠보의 패션에 나타난 일본 전통복식 미학 특성 연구. 2015 The Korean Society of Costume Spring Conference,2015:127-128.
24. Ai Zhen Li, Soo Ah Choi*. A research on Origin of Characteristics from Coco Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld's Costume Aesthetics in Perspective of Carl Gustav Jung's Archetypal Theory. 2015 The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Autumn Conference,2015:218.
25. Nam Ha Jin, Ai Zhen Li, Soo Ah Choi*.
패션디자인 기획 관점을 통한 캠핑브랜드의 리뉴얼 연구.2015 The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Autumn Conference,2015:219.
26. Li Ai-zhen, Kim Hyun-joo*, 
현대 패션에 반영된 중국 소주(蘇州) 전통 정원(庭院) 건축적 조형 특성 연구 - 마샤 2014 S/S ~ 2016 S/S 컬렉션을 중심으로-.2016 The Korean Society of Fashion Design Spring Conference,2016:97-98.
27. Ai Zhen Li, Soo Ah Choi*.
사극에 반영된 청나라 강건성세시기 황족 여성 복식제도에 관한 연구-<전환전> 중심으로-. 2016 The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Autumn Conference,2016:282-283.
28. 2016.11.04 -11.10
,K-Fashion 创意人才养成产业团国际艺术家邀请展,作品《平凡的世界(평범한 세계)参展,展地:北京318艺术区.
29. 2017.05.17- 05.24
,KOFIA(Korea Fashion Illustration Association)定期邀请展,作品《悟()参展,展地:首尔艺术殿堂.
30. 2017.08.21- 08.25
,K-Fashion 创意人才养成产业团 第四T艺术国际研讨会邀请展,作品《衣()参展并获优秀设计奖,展地:香港 Woolmark Wo