
    姓名 刘晶       
  • 职称:讲师

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:澳门六合彩软件


理学博士,硕士生导师,管理科学与工程学博士后。硕士研究生毕业于韩国新罗大学,博士研究生毕业于韩国东亚大学,曾任教于韩国新罗大学,The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles会员。 主持省部级项目1相,参与国家级科研基金项目、校级课程改革项目多项,在国内外学术会议及期刊上发表相关学术论文多篇。


1.Analyzing Research Trends in the Chinese Fashion Market in Clothing, Construction and Merchandising -Based on secondary research of Korean Journals from 1998 through 2010-,Korean Journal of Human Ecology Vol.21, No.1 (2012)

2. Effects of Shopping Value, Positive Emotion and Urge to Buy Impulsively on E-impulse for Apparel Products,Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Vol.38,No.1(2014)

3.Comparative Analysis Between Korean and Chinese Students in regards to Fashion Product Impulse Buying and Internet Shopping Satisfaction, Fashion & Text. Res. J., 2014,16(6)

4.The dimensional distribution of kenaf and apocynum fibers,Journal of Natural Fibers,(2018)

5. A Core General Education Course Construction System to Improve College Students' Art Literacy in Garment and Accessories,Social science,Education and Human Science,(2018)