
    姓名 覃蕊       
  • 职     称: 副教授

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:澳门六合彩软件


覃蕊,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现任澳门六合彩软件 服装设计与工程系主任,服装设计与工程系党支部书记。本科毕业于长春工业大学服装设计与工程专业,硕士毕业于江南大学服装设计与工程专业,博士毕业于江南大学纺织工程(服装)专业。Textile Research Journal、Journal of the Textile Institute、International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology等SCI期刊审稿人。


1、Rui Dan, Yujie Zheng, Zhen Shi*. FE simulation of pressure and volume shrinkage of top part of socks using ABAQUS. Textile Research Journal, 2024, 94(7-8): 803-813.
2、Rui Dan, Yujie Zheng, Zhiqin Liu, Zhen Shi*. Study on the functional relationship between pressure and displacement with time for waist of elastic legwear using FEM. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2023, 35(5): 754-765.
3、Rui Dan, Zhiqin Liu, Zhen Shi*. Functional relationship among pressure, displacement and angle for the waist of elastic pantyhose using finite element simulation. Textile Research Journal, 2023, 93(9-10): 2103-2112.
4、Rui Dan, Zhen Shi*. Dynamic simulation of the relationship between pressure and displacement for the waist of elastic pantyhose in the walking process using the finite element method. Textile Research Journal, 2021, 91 (13-14): 1497-1508.
5、Rui Dan, Zhen Shi*. Finite element simulation on the relationship between pressure and displacement for the waist of elastic pantyhose. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2021, 33(2): 289-301.
6、Rui Dan, Zhen Shi*. Numerical simulation of the area shrinkage mass for the waist of elastic pantyhose by using FEM. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2020, 32(2): 244-254.
7、Rui Dan, Zhen Shi*. Dynamic analysis on the functional relationship of pressure, displacement and angle for the top part of men's socks using FEM. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2019, 110(8): 1210-1220.
8、Rui Dan, Zhen Shi*. Dynamic simulation on the area shrinkage of lower leg for the top part of men's socks using finite element method. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2019, 110(4): 543-551.
12、2020.11,澳门六合彩软件 教学改革研究项目,主持。