
    姓名   董婷     
  • 职称:特聘教授 副教授

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:山东省 青岛市 市南区 宁夏路308 青岛大学


2018年取得东华大学纺织工学博士学位,于2015-2017年在美国麻省大学阿姆赫斯特分校聚合物科学与工程博士联培,2018年入选青岛大学特聘教授第四层次,现任职澳门六合彩软件 ,纺织材料与产品设计专业,近五年在Marine Pollution Bulletin、Industrial Crops and Products、Journal of Hazardous Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊发表SCI学术论文10篇, 6篇为1区文章,4篇影响影子在7以上。 




1. Dong Ting, Mccarthy Thomas. Superhydrophobic/low hysteresis patterning chemistry for water drop manipulation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(47): 41126-41130 (SCI, IF=8.097,一区)
2. Dong Ting, Cao Shengbin, Xu Guangbiao. Highly efficient and recyclable depth filtrating system using structured kapok filters for oil removal and recovery from wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 321: 859-867.(SCI, IF=7.650,一区)
3. Dong Ting, Cao Shengbin, Xu Guangbiao*. Highly porous oil sorbent based on hollow fibers as the interceptor for oil on static and running water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 305: 1-7. (SCI, IF=7.650,一区)
4. Dong Ting, Xu Guangbiao, Wang Fumei. Adsorption and adhesiveness of kapok fiber to different oils, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 296: 101-111. (SCI, IF=7.650,一区)
5. Dong Ting, Xu Guangbiao, Wang Fumei. Oil spill cleanup by structured natural sorbents made from cattail fibers, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 76: 25-33. (SCI, IF=3.849,一区)
6. Dong Ting, Wang Fumei, Xu Guangbiao. Sorption kinetics and mechanism of various oils into kapok assembly, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 91: 230-237. (SCI, IF=3.241, 三区)
7. Dong Ting, Wang Fumei, Xu Guangbiao. Theoretical and experimental study on the oil sorption behavior of kapok assemblies, Industrial Crops and Products, 2014, 61: 325-330. (SCI, IF=3.849,一区)
8. Cao Shengbin, Dong Ting, Xu Guangbiao, Wang Fumei. Oil spill cleanup by hydrophobic natural fibers, Journal of Natural Fibers 2017: 1-9. (SCI)
9. Cao Shengbin, Dong Ting, Xu Guangbiao, Wang Fumei. Study on structure and wetting characteristic of cattail fibers as natural materials for oil sorption, Environmental technology, 2016, 37: 3193-3199. (SCI)
10. Cao Shengbin, Dong Ting, Xu Guangbiao, Wang Fumei. Cyclic filtration behavior of structured cattail fiber assembly for oils removal from wastewater. Environmental Technology 2018, 39(14): 1833-1840 (SCI): 
11. 徐广标, 曹胜彬, 董婷, 王府梅. 一种以天然纤维为吸附滤料的油水分离与回收装置[P]. 专利号: ZL201510323451.3.2017.12.22.