
    姓名 王计嵘      
  • 职称:副教授

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:wangjirong1@qdu.edu.cn

  • 联系地址:青岛市香港东路7号澳门六合彩软件


  王计嵘,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2020年6月博士毕业于华中科技大学,2024年1月进入澳门六合彩软件 工作。主要从事结构可控聚合物的设计、合成,高性能聚合物电解质材料等方面的研究,已在Adv. Funct. Mater.、ACS Energy Lett.、Energy Stor. Mater.、Macromolecules、J. Membr. Sci. 等期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SCI论文23篇。


l 锂离子电池用聚合物电解质的设计、制备

l 多功能高分子复合材料

l 新型可控聚合体系设计及机理研究


1. Kairui Guo#, Shaoqiao Li#, Jirong Wang*, Zhen Shi, Gong Chen, Yong Wang*, Xiaolin Xie, and Zhigang Xue*. In situ orthogonal polymerization for constructing fast-charging and long-lifespan lithium metal batteries with topological copolymer electrolytes. ACS Energy Lett. 2024, 9, 843-852.

2. Yong Zhang, Jirong Wang*, Zhigang Xue*. Electrode protection and electrolyte optimization via surface modification strategy for high-performance lithium batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, DOI:10.1002/adfm.202311925.

3. Yingjie Huang, Zhen Shi, Hongli Wang, Jirong Wang*, Zhigang Xue*. Shape-memory and self-healing polyurethane-based solid polymer electrolytes constructed from polycaprolactone segment and disulfide metathesise, Energy Stor. Mater. 2022, 51, 1-10.

4. Jirong Wang#, Shaoqiao Li#, Qiang Zhao, Changsik Song* and and Zhigang Xue*, Structure code for advanced polymer electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2008208.

5. Weixin Ye, Jirong Wang*, Chi Zhang, Zhigang Xue*. Eutectic solution enables powerful click reaction for in-situ construction of advanced gel electrolytes. Energy Environ. Mater. 2023, 0, 12579.

6. Yong Zhang, Liping Yu, Jirong Wang*, Shaoqiao Li, Huihui Gan and Zhigang Xue*, Fabrication of polymer electrolyte via lithium salt-induced surface-initiated radical polymerization for lithium metal batteries, J. Membr. Sci. 2021, 626, 119210.

7. Jirong Wang#, Chi Zhang#, Yong Zhang, Gong Chen; Rinaldo Poli*, Xiaolin Xie*, Zhigang Xue*. Facile assembly of C-N bond-containing polymer electrolytes enabled by lithium salt-catalyzed aza-Michael addition, Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 2484-2493.

8. Jirong Wang, Jianyu Han, Xiaolin Xie, Zhigang Xue*, Christophe Fliedel and Rinaldo Poli*, FeBr2-catalyzed bulk ATRP promoted by simple inorganic salts, Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 5366-5376.

9. Huihui Gan, Yong Zhang, Shaoqiao Li, Wen Zhu*, Jirong Wang*, Zhigang Xue. Synergetic effects of silica-coated silver nanowires in composite single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes for lithium metal batteries. J. Power Sources, 2022, 551, 232171.

10. Gong Chen, Yong Zhang, Chi Zhang, Weixin Ye, Jirong Wang*, Zhigang Xue*. Abundant Hydrogen Bonds Formed in a Urea-Based Gel Polymer Electrolyte Improve Interfacial Stability in Lithium Metal Batteries. ChemSusChem, 2022, 15, 2022013.