
    姓名 尹园园       
  • 职称:讲师

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:澳门六合彩软件




(1) Yuanyuan Yin, Lina Zhao, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Cellulose nanocrystals modified with a triazine derivative and their reinforcement of poly(lactic acid)-based biocomposites, Cellulose, 2018, 25: 2965-2976

(2) Yuanyuan Yin, Jiajia Ma, Xiuzhi Tian, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Cellulose nanocrystals functionalized with amino-silane and epoxy-poly(ethylene glycol) for reinforcement and flexibilization of poly(lactic acid): Material preparation and compatibility mechanism, Cellulose, 2018, 25(11): 6447-6463

(3) Yuanyuan Yin, Chaoqian Lou, Xiuzhi Tian, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Synergy of Silane and Polyacrylate Treatments to Prepare Thermally Stable and Hydrophobic Cellulose Nanocrystals, Chem Lett, 2018, 47(10): 1272-1275

(4) Yuanyuan Yin, Zhengzheng Hong, Xiuzhi Tian*, Qianying Zhu, Xue Jiang, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Cellulose nanocrystals modified with quaternary ammonium salts and its reinforcement of polystyrene, Polym Bull, 2018, 75: 2151-2166

(5) Yuanyuan Yin, Lina Zhao, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Poly(lactic Acid)-based Biocomposites reinforced with modified cellulose nanocrystals, Cellulose, 2017, 24: 4773-4784

(6) YuanyuanYin, Xiuzhi Tian, Foquan Weng, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang*, Weidong Gao, Synthesis of 2,4-bis(4-sulfonate phenoxy)-6-chloro-1,3,5 triazine and its application in modification of cellulose for high glucose yield, Cell Chem Technol, 2017, 51: 731-736

(7) YuanyuanYin, Lina Zhao, XueJiang*, HongboWang*, Weidong Gao, Synthesis of Triazine Derivative and Its Application in the Modification of Cellulose Nanocrystals, BioResources, 2017,12(4): 7427-7438

(8) Yuanyuan Yin, Xiuzhi Tian, Xue Jiang*, Hongbo Wang, Weidong Gao. Modification of cellulose nanocrystal via SI-ATRP of styrene and the mechanism of its reinforcement of polymethylmethacrylate, Carbohyd Polym, 2016, 142: 206-212

(9) 尹园园,田秀枝,朱春波,蒋学*,王鸿博,高卫东,聚苯乙烯改性纤维素纳米晶体对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯热稳定性的增强作用,南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(5):138 ~ 142

(10) 尹园园,田秀枝,翁佛全,蒋学*,王鸿博,高卫东, 2-(1-氨基-8-萘酚-3, 6-二磺酸钠)-4, 6-二氯-1, 3, 5-三嗪改性微晶纤维素的制备与水解,化工新型材料,2015,43(12):36 ~ 38