
    姓名 史宝会
  • 职称:研究员

  • 联系电话:15316132269

  • 电子邮件:s[email protected]

  • 联系地址:青岛市香港东路7号澳门六合彩软件


史宝会,研究员,研究生导师,2018-2020曾在美国特拉华大学复合材料中心访学深造,山东省“青创科技计划”创新团队带头人、山东省重点扶持区域引进急需人才。研究领域包括三维编织复合材料成型及多尺度损伤分析、3D打印纤维/含能复合材料技术及设备开发、功能复合材料。主持十四五国家科技X重大专项课题、国家自然科学基金项目、山东省高等学校青年创新团队项目、山东省自然科学基金项目、173子课题国家及省部级项目10余项。在Advanced materials(及期刊封面发表)、MatterCell子刊)、ACS NanoNano LettersNano EnergyACS Appl Mater InterComposites Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Mechanical SciencesCom part BIJDMEnergy & Environmental materials SCI 期刊发表论文多篇。入选山东省滨州市科技副总。当前担任《现代纺织技术》学术编辑。



  1. 三维编织(机织、编织和缝合)复合材料成型及多尺度损伤分析

  2. 3D打印纤维/含能复合材料技术及设备开发

  3. 功能/智能纤维复合材料、打印电池等







[1] Zhang CY, Shi BH, He JL, Zhou L, Park S, Doshi S, Shang YY, Deng KY, Marc Giordano M, Qi XJ, Cui S, Liu L, Ni CY, Fu K K. Carbon Additive Manufacturing with a Near‐Replica “Green to-Brown” Transformation[J]. Advanced Materials, 2023: 2208230. (期刊封面发表,封面Adv. Mater. 38/2023

[2] Shi BH, Shang YY, Zhang P, Cuadros AP, Qu J, Sun BZ, Gu BH, Chou TW, Fu K. Dynamic Capillary-Driven Additive Manufacturing of Continuous Carbon Fiber Composite[J]. Matter, 2020, 2(6): 1594–1604.Cell姊妹刊)

[3] Wang LH, Shi BH*, Zhao HT, Qi XJ, Chen JH, Li JJ, Shang YY, Fu K K, Zhang XJ, Tian MW, and Qu LJ, 3D-printed parahydrophobic functional textile with a hierarchical nanomicroscale structure[J]. ACS nano, 2022, 16(10): 16645-16654.

[4] Park S, Shi BH, Shang YY, Fu K K. Structured electrode additive manufacturing for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Nano Letters, 2022, 22(23): 9462-9469.

[5] Shi BH, Shang YY, Pei Y, Pei SP, Wang LY, Heider D, Zhao Y, Zheng CL, Yang B, Yarlagadda S, Chou TW, Fu K. Low Tortuous, Highly Conductive, and High-Areal-Capacity Battery Electrodes Enabled by Through-thickness Aligned Carbon Fiber Framework[J]. Nano Letters, 2020, 20(7): 5504-5512.

[6] Ye XR, Shi BH*, Li M, Fan Q, Qi XJ, Liu XH, Zhao SK, Jiang L, Zhang XJ, Fu K, Qu LJ, Tian MW. All-textile sensors for boxing punch force and velocity detection[J]. Nano Energy, 2022: 107114.

[7] Shi BH, Shang YY, Zhang P, Liu SK, Huang SW, Sun BZ, Gu BH, Fu K. Rapid electrothermal-triggered flooded thermoset curing for scalable carbon/polymer composite manufacturing[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 200: 108409.

[8] Shang YY, Shi BH, Doshi SM, Chu TW, Qiu GX, Du AH, Zhao Y, Xu F, Thostenson ET, Fu K. Rapid Nanowelding of Carbon Coatings onto Glass Fibers by Electrothermal Shock[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(33): 37722-37731.(共同第一作者)

[9] Shi BH, Zhang M, Liu SK, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Multi-scale ageing mechanisms of 3D four directional and five directional braided composites’ impact fracture behaviors under thermo-oxidative environment[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 155: 50–65.

[10] Shi BH, Liu SK, Siddique A, Du YC, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Impact fracture behaviors of three-dimensional braided composite U-notch beam subjected to three-point bending[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2019, 28(3): 404–426.

[11] Shi BH, Liu SK, Siddique A, Zhang JJ, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Comparisons on impact fracture behavior between three-dimensional four directional and five directional braided composite materials[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2019, 28(7): 990–1020.

[12] Fu K, Shi BH. Method and system for dynamic capillary-driven additive manufacturing of continuous fiber composite: U.S. Patent Application 17/404,365[P]. 2021-2-17.

[13] Shang YY, Chu TK, Shi BH, Kun Fu. Scalable synthesis of LiF-rich 3D architected Li metal anode via direct lithium-fluoropolymer pyrolysis to enable fast Li cycling, 2020, Energy & Environmental materials. Doi: 10.1002/eem2.12099.