

2022.2-至今 澳门六合彩软件

2019-2020 博士后,瑞典皇家理工学院  

2007-2017 学士、硕士、博士,北京林业大学




2. 新型材料与器件在智能纺织品中应用


发表论文27篇,其中第一/责任作者SCI收录9篇,7篇为一区TOP期刊,共计引用750余次。International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesIndustrial Crops & Products等期刊的兼职审稿人,期刊crystalguess editor客座编辑。

  1. W Tian, Q Gao*, A VahidMohammadi, J Dang, Z Li, X Liang, M Hamedi, LM Zhang*. Liquid-phase exfoliation of layered biochars into multifunctional heteroatom (Fe, N, S) co-doped graphene-like carbon nanosheets[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020: 127601.

  2. LM Zhang, TT You, T Zhou, X Zhou, F Xu*. Interconnected hierarchical porous carbon from lignin-derived byproducts of bioethanol production for ultra-high performance supercapacitors[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (22): 13918-13925.

  3. L Zhang, LM Zhang*, T Zhou, YY Wu, F Xu. The dual effects of lignin content on enzymatic hydrolysis using film composed of cellulose and lignin as a structure model[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 200: 761-769.

  4. LM Zhang, TT You, L Zhang, HY Yang, F Xu*. Enhanced fermentability of poplar by combination of alkaline peroxide pretreatment and semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 164(7):292-298.

  5. LM Zhang, TT You, T Zhou, L Zhang, F Xu*. Synergistic effect of white-rot fungi and alkaline pretreatments for improving enzymatic hydrolysis of poplar wood. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 86: 155-162.

  6. LM Zhang, TQ Yuan, F Xu*, Sun RC. Enhanced hydrophobicity and thermal stability of hemicelluloses by butyrylation in [BMIM]Cl ionic liquid. Industrial Crops & Products, 2013, 45(1):52-57.

  7. LM Zhang, TT You, L Zhang, MF Li, F Xu*. Comprehensive utilization of waste hemicelluloses during ethanol production to increase lactic acid yield: from pretreatment to fermentation [J]. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2014, 7(1):1-7.

  8. C. Liu#, LM Zhang#, L. Tan#, Y. Liu, W. Tian, L. Ma. Immobilized crosslinked pectinase preparation on porous ZSM-5 zeolites as reusable biocatalysts for ultra-efficient hydrolysis of β-Glycosidic Bonds[J]. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2021, 9: 677868.

  9. LM Zhang, TT You, T Zhou, L Zhang, F Xu*. Determining lignin degradation in white-rot fungi-treated sacrau poplar: lignin structural changes and degradation compound analysis. Bioresource, 2016, 11(2):3972-3986.