
    姓名 牛海涛       
  • 职称:特聘教授

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牛海涛,男,博士,特聘教授。2010年获得澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University)材料工程专业博士学位。回国前在迪肯大学先进材料研究院任职Research Fellow,2019年受聘于青岛大学。发表学术专著1部、书籍章节6篇、SCI论文59篇、 h-index (Google Scholar citation) 28,申请国际专利2项,中国专利12项,近年来已主持和参与完成科研项目10项,多个国际学术期刊审稿人。



1. H Niu, H Zhou, Tong Lin, Electrospun carbon nanofiber electrode materials for supercapacitor applications, Electrospun Polymers and Composites: Ultrafine Materials, High Performance Fibres and Wearables, Elsevier

2. H Niu, H Zhou, H Wang, Electrospinning: an advanced nanofiber production technology, Energy Harvesting Properties of Electrospun Nanofibers (Edited by Jian Fang, Tong Lin), Chapter one, ISBN 978-0-7503-2005-4, IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK, 1-35, 2020.

3. G Yan, H Niu, T Lin, NEEDLE-LESS ELECTROSPINNING, Electrospinning: Nanofabrication and Applications (edited by Bin Ding, Xianfeng Wang Jianyong Yu), William Andrew, pages 219-247, 2019.

4. H Niu, X Wang, T Lin, Finite Element-aided Optimization of Needleless Electrospinning, Computational Finite Element Methods in Nanotechnology, ISBN: 9781138076884,CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, LLC (edited by Musa, Sarhan M). Chapter 9, page 311-329, March 29, 2017.

5. J Fang, H Shao, H Niu, T Lin, Applications of Electrospun Nanofibers for Electronic Devices, Handbook of Smart Textiles (edited by Xiaoming Tao), Springer Science, page 1-29,2015.

6. H Niu, X Wang, T Lin, Needleless Electrospinning: Developments and Performances, in Nanofibers, (edited by Tong Lin) IN-TECH, Vienna, Austria, Chapter 2, page 17-36, 2011.


1. H Wang, H Niu, H Zhou, X Wei, W Yang, T Lin, Multifunctional Directional Water-transport Fabrics with Moisture Sensing Capability, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11/ 25, 22878-22884 (IF: 8.456).

2. H Niu, H Zhou, G Yan, H Wang, S Fu, X Zhao, H Shao, T Lin, Enhancement of Coil Electrospinning using Two-level Coil Structure, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57/45, 15473–15478 (IF: 3.375).

3. G Yan, H Niu, H Zhou, H Wang, H Shao, X Zhao and T Lin, Electro-aerodynamic Field Aided Needleless Electrospinning, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29 (23), 235302 (IF: 3.399, Citation: 2).

4. G Yan, H Niu, X Zhao, H Shao, H Wang, H Zhou, T Lin, Improving Nanofiber Production and Application Performance by Electrospinning at Elevated Temperatures, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56 (43), 12337–12343 (IF: 3.375, Citation: 1).

5. J Cai, H Niu, H Wang, H Shao, J Fang, J He, H Xiong, C Ma, T Lin, High-performance supercapacitor electrode from cellulose-derived, inter-bonded carbon nanofibers, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 324, 302-308 (IF: 7.467, Citation: 46).

6. H Niu, H Zhou, H Wang and T Lin, Polypyrrole-Coated PDMS Fibrous Membrane: Flexible Strain Sensor with Distinctive Resistance Responses at Different Strain Ranges, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2016, 301/6, 707-713 (IF: 3.038, Citation: 10).

7. J Cai, H Niu, Z Li, Y Du, P Cizek, Z Xie, H Xiong, T Lin, High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Materials from Cellulose-Derived Carbon Nanofibers, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(27), 14946–14953 (IF: 8.456, Citation: 78).

8. H Niu, H Wang, H Zhou, T Lin, Ultrafine PDMS fibers: Preparation from in Situ Curing-Electrospinning and Mechanical Characterization, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 11782-11787 (IF: 3., Citation: 22).

9. J Fang, H Niu, H Wang, X Wang, T Lin, Enhanced Mechanical Energy Harvesting using Needleless Electrospun Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Nanofibre Webs, Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6(7), 2196 – 2202 (IF: 33.25, Citation: 131).

10. H Niu, J Zhang, Z Xie, X Wang, T Lin, Preparation, Structure and Supercapacitance of Bonded Carbon Nanofiber Electrode Materials, Carbon, 2011, 49, 2380-2388 (IF: 7.466, Citation: 153).