
    姓名   商元元
  • 职称:助理教授

  • 联系电话:13606489291

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 联系地址:青岛市香港东路7号 青岛大学青大路3号


商元元,助理教授,研究生导师,曾在美国特拉华大学访学深造2年,以通讯或第一作者在MatterCell子刊)、ACS Appl Mater InterEnergy & Environmental materialsComposites Science and TechnologyNano LettersPolymersSCI收录期刊发表论文。申请发明专利10余项。主持军工十四五项目子课题、山东省中小企业能力提升项目、山东省企业技术创新项目、军工204所横向、企业横向、开放基金等项目。“黄大年式团队”核心成员。指导本科生、研究生参加创新创业大赛等20余项。


  1. 3D打印纤维热塑/热固复合材料,3D打印多尺度碳/陶瓷多孔点阵结构

  2. 功能性(导电、自愈合、发光等)纤维制备及应用

  3. 橡胶/再生胶加工制造及减震、疲劳力学性能分析



[1] Shang YY, Chu TK, Shi BH, Fu K. Scalable synthesis of LiF-rich 3D architected Li metal anode via direct lithium-fluoropolymer pyrolysis to enable fast Li cycling[J]. Energy & Environmental Materials.2021.

[2] Shang YY, Shi BH, Du AH, Fu K, et al. (2020) .Rapid Nanowelding of Carbon Coatings onto Glass Fibers by Electrothermal Shock[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12 (33), 3772237731.

[3] Shi BH, Shang YY, Gu BH, Chou TW, and Fu K, et al. Dynamic Capillary-Driven Additive Manufacturing of Continuous Carbon Fiber Composite[J]. Matter, 2020, 2: 15941604.

[4] Shi BH, Shang YY, Chou TW, and Fu K, et al. Low Tortuous, Highly Conductive, and High-Areal-Capacity Battery Electrodes Enabled by Through-thickness Aligned Carbon Fiber Framework[J]. Nano Letters. 2020, 20(7): 5504-5512.

[5] Shi BH, Shang YY, Gu BH and Fu K, et al. (2020). Rapid electrothermal triggered thermoset curing for scalable carbon/polymer composite manufacturing[J]. Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 200, 108409.

[6] Shi YP, Li JJ, Shang YY*. A Full Range Experimental Study of Amplitude- and Frequency-Dependent Characteristics of Rubber Springs[J]. Polymers, 2022, 14, 4662.