
    姓名 周华       
  • 职称:教授

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周华,女,特聘教授,博士生导师。2001年和2005年于天津工业大学分别获得非织造工程学士学位和材料加工工程硕士学位,2014年于澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University)获得材料工程博士学位,先后为迪肯校聘阿尔弗雷德博士后研究员及研究员。2019年9月受聘于青岛大学。目前已在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Materials Horizons,ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,Nanoscale等期刊发表论文50余篇,作为第一作者有三篇文章入选ESI高被引论文,出版英文学术专著1部,论文被引用次数总数超过1900。近年来主持和参与多项澳大利亚国家级科研项目。近30个国际学术期刊审稿人。


1.H Zhou, H Niu, H Wang, W Yang, X Wei, H Shao, A versatile, highly effective nanofibrous separation membrane, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 2359-65(IF: 6.739).

2.J Liu†, H Zhou†, X Wu, H Wang, Z Ji, Y Xing, Superoleophobic Filters: Improvement of Filtration Performance by Front Attachment of Oil-Guiding Fabric, Advance Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7, 1901808(IF: 4.713, †:共同第一作者).

3.S Fu†, H Zhou†, H Wang, H Niu, W Yang, H Shao, Jinnan Wang, T Lin, Superhydrophilic, Underwater Directional Oil-Transport Fabrics with a Novel Oil Trapping Function, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2019, 11, 30, 27402-27409 (IF:8.456, †:共同第一作者).

4.S Fu†, H Zhou†, H Wang, H Niu, W Yang, H Shao, T Lin, Amphibious Superamphiphilic Fabrics with Self-healing Underwater Superoleophilicity, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 122-129 (IF:14.356, †:共同第一作者).

5.H Zhou, H Wang, W Yang, H Niu, Durable Superoleophobic-superhydrophilic Fabrics with High Anti-oil-fouling Property, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 26939-26947 (IF:3.049).

6.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, T Lin, Recent Porgress in Durable and Self-healing Super-non-wettable Fabrics, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5, 1800461 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 5) (Invited review).

7.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, Y Zhao, T Lin, A waterborne coating system for preparing durable, self- healing, superamphiphobic surfaces, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1604261 (IF: 15.621, Citation: 99). This work has been featured in Advanced in Engineering.

8.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, C Zeng, Y Zhao, Z Xu, T Lin, One-way Water Transport Cotton Fabrics with Enhanced Cooling Effect, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600283 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 10).

9.H Zhou, H Wang, Y Zhao, T Lin, Recent Development in Durable Super-Liquid-Repellent Fabrics, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600402 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 14). (Invited review)

10.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, T Lin, Electrospun Fibrous Membranes with Super-large-strain Electric Superhydrophobicity, Scientific Reports, [Nature Publishing Group], 2015, 5, 15863 (IF: 4.525, Citation: 6).

11.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, T Lin, Super-strong, Chemically Stable, Superamphiphobic Fabrics from Particle-free Polymer Coatings, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, 2, 1400559. (IF: 4.713, Citation: 72)

12.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, T Lin, Superphobicity/philicity Janus Fabrics with Switchable, Spontaneous, Directional Transport Ability to Water and Oil Fluids. Scientific Reports [Nature Publishing Group], 2013, 3, 2964 (IF: 4.011, Citation: 95).

13.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, A Gestos, T Lin, Robust, Self-Healing Superamphiphobic Fabrics Prepared by Two-step Coating of Fluoro-containing Polymer, Fluoroalkyl Silane and Modified Silica Nanoparticles, Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 1664 (IF: 15.621, Citation: 269).

14.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, A Gestos, X Wang, T Lin, Fluoroalkyl Silane Modified Silicone Rubber/Nanoparticle Composite: A Super Durable, Robust Superhydrophobic Fabric Coating, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 2409 (IF: 25.809, Citation: 389).

15.X Wei, H Zhou, F Chen, H Wang, Z Ji, T Lin, High-efficiency Low-resistance Oil-mist Coalescence Filtration using Fibrous Filters with Thickness-direction Asymmetric Wettability, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 4, 1806302 (IF: 15.621).

16.T Yan, H Zhou, H Niu, T Lin, Highly Sensitive Detection of Subtle Movement using a Flexible Strain Sensor from Helical Wrapping Carbon Yarns, Journal Materials Chemistry C, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TC03065D (IF:5.976).

17.J Wu, H Zhou, H Wang, H Shao, G Yan, T Lin, Novel Water Harvesting Fibrous Membranes with Directional Water Transport Capability, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1801529(IF: 4.713)