1. 本校生下载附件二“青岛大学国际暑期课程班课程申请表”;
2. 2019年5月3日前将申请表填写完整后扫描发送至暑校报名邮箱 [email protected] ;
3. 5月4日至5月18日安排口语测试(英语专8级免试);
4. 被录取学生将在口语测试完成后的5个工作日内收到电子录取通知信;
5. 报到时间:2019年6月2日
6. 上课时间:2019年6月3日
1.登录招生网www.onpsummer.org, 注册学员账号;
附件一 课程设置
时间 |
课程号 |
课程名称 |
08:00-10:15 |
MATH 216 |
Numerical Analysis I 数值分析 |
MKET 200 |
Principles of Marketing 市场营销学 |
FIN 300 |
Financial Management 财务管理 |
HIST 212 |
US.History 1900 to Recent 美国历史(1900年至今) |
PHI 115 |
Introduction to Philosophy 哲学概论 |
ECON 102 |
Principles of Macroeconomics 宏观经济学原理 |
STAT330 |
Probability & Statistics 概率论与数理统计 |
10:25-12:40 |
ACCT 201 |
Financial Accounting 财务会计 |
STAT 301 |
Mathematical Statistics 数理统计学 |
ECON 350 |
Public Economics 公共经济学 |
MATH 112 |
Elementary Discrete Mathematics 离散数学 |
CHEM 101 |
General Chemistry I (with lab) 基础化学I(实验) |
ECON 330 |
Money and Banking 货币银行学 |
FIN 301 |
Corporate Finance 公司金融学 |
BIOL 121 |
Environmental Biology 环境生物学 |
14:00-16:15 |
MHR 300 |
Organizational Behavior 组织行为学 |
MATH 375 |
Multivariable Calculus 多变量微积分 |
HIST 260 |
International History 1945 to Recent 国际历史(1945年至今) |
BIOL 101 |
Introduction to Biology (with lab) 生物学概论(实验) |
ENGL 223 |
Communication and Public Speaking 公共演讲 |
ECON 301 |
Intermediate Microeconomics 中级微观经济学 |
STAT 201 |
Introduction to Statistics 统计学概论 |
ECON 355 |
Economic History of the US 美国经济史 |
16:25-18:40 |
PSY 100 |
Introduction to Psychology 心理学概论 |
ECON 101 |
Principles of Microeconomics 微观经济学原理 |
MATH 212 |
Introduction to Analysis 数学分析基础 |
MATH 230 |
Calculus Ⅱ 微积分II |
ARTH 335 |
Renaissance to Modern Art in West 文艺复兴到西方现代艺术 |
ECON 302 |
Intermediate Macroeconomics 中级宏观经济学 |
ECON 370 |
Chinese Economy 中国经济 |
PHYS 102 |
Fundamentals of PhysicsⅡ (with lab) 基础物理II(实验) |
18:50-21:05 |
ENGL 110 |
(UWS)University Writing Seminar 大学写作 |
BUS 201 |
Introduction to International Business 国际商务概论 |
ACCT 202 |
Managerial Accounting 管理会计学 |
MATH 135 |
Calculus Ⅰ 微积分I |
ARTH 106 |
Introduction to Art History 艺术史概论 |
SOC 201 |
Introduction to Sociology 社会学概论 |
Basic Information |
Name |
Nationality |
Gender |
Political Status |
ID No. |
Educational Level |
Department |
Major |
Date of Enrollment |
Student ID |
Contact Information |
E-mail |
Tel.: |
Emergent Contact No. |
Cell Phone No. |
Address |
English Proficiency |
English Level |
□ CET-4 □ CET-6 □ TEM-4 □ TEM-8 □ IELTS □ TOEFL □Others ____ ____(The corresponding text scores) |
English Learning or Training Experience: |
Course Info |
Class Time |
Course No |
Course Name |
The reason that you choose summer school courses. (You may choose more than one options) |
□ The courses are related to your major □ Have an interest in the selected course □ Try to experience American courses □ Want to contact overseas students and the professors at the university of North America □ Plan to study abroad in the future, so you want to get familiar with foreign education in advance Other Reasons___________________________ |
Signature of the Applicant:
Qingdao University International Summer Session Program Enrollment Brochure
Qingdao University International Summer Session (hereinafter called QUISS) was established in 2010. It is an international educational program established under Qingdao University’s call of “internalization of school running” by College of Textile and Garment of Qingdao University. So far, it has been successfully set up for 8 years. In 2019, we will continue to enroll students from all over the world.
1. Sponsor
Qingdao University
2. Qualifications required and enrollment applicants
1.Enrollment applicants: students graduated from high school and above can enroll and apply.
2.Language skills: TOEFL 80/ TELTS 6, CET4 550, CET6 520 or other equivalent language skills.
3.50 students each class and we will choose qualified applicants according to the enrollment order.
3. Course time and curriculum
The 2019 QUISS begins from June 3rd to July 5th, with a total number of 37 courses covering economics, business, social science, humanity, etc. All the subjects are not only in our teaching plan of related majors, but also corresponding with overseas university courses. All the courses meet the requirements of overseas university credit transfer and the credits of one course can be transferred to 4 credits in North American term universities. Class time for each course is 2 hours and 15 minutes per day and 6 days per week (discussion and review sessions are on Friday and Saturday). The teaching language is English except language courses and the teaching materials are standard textbooks in accordance with American university credit courses.(Please find curriculum in Annex One)
4. Course selection requirements and relevant expenses
1. According to the relevant provisions of Degree Center of Ministry of Education, one student can choose 3 courses at most;
2. Students in our school attending the International Summer School are exempted from miscellaneous expenses;
3.Students from other universities who want to study our International Summer School courses should log in the website www.onpsummer.organd register online. For more information please call 4006850162.
5. Registration process and deadline
Students in our school
1. Students in our school can download Annex 2 “Qingdao University International Summer Session Course Application Form”;
2.Please complete the application form, scan the electronic version and send it to the email [email protected]before May 3, 2019;
3. Oral test from May 4 to May 18 (Students whose English level is TEM 8 can be exempted from the oral test);
4. The admitted students will receive the electronic admission notice in 5 days after they have the oral test;
5. Registration time: June 2, 2019
6. Course time: June 3, 2019
Students from other schools:
1.Please log in the website www.onpsummer.organd register online.
2.Log in your account, complete the application form online, and choose courses;
3.Pay the expenses and confirm the courses;
4.Registration time: June 2, 2019
5. Course time: June 3, 2019
Annex 1 Curriculum
Time |
Course No. |
Course Name |
08:00-10:15 |
MATH 216 |
Numerical Analysis I |
MKET 200 |
Principles of Marketing |
FIN 300 |
Financial Management |
HIST 212 |
US. History 1900 to Recent |
PHI 115 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
ECON 102 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
STAT330 |
Probability & Statistics |
10:25-12:40 |
ACCT 201 |
Financial Accounting |
STAT 301 |
Mathematical Statistics |
ECON 350 |
Public Economics |
MATH 112 |
Elementary Discrete Mathematics |
CHEM 101 |
General Chemistry I (with lab) |
ECON 330 |
Money and Banking |
FIN 301 |
Corporate Finance |
BIOL 121 |
Environmental Biology |
14:00-16:15 |
MHR 300 |
Organizational Behavior |
MATH 375 |
Multivariable Calculus |
HIST 260 |
International History 1945 to Recent |
BIOL 101 |
Introduction to Biology (with lab) |
ENGL 223 |
Communication and Public Speaking |
ECON 301 |
Intermediate Microeconomics |
STAT 201 |
Introduction to Statistics |
ECON 355 |
Economic History of the US |
16:25-18:40 |
PSY 100 |
Introduction to Psychology |
ECON 101 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
MATH 212 |
Introduction to Analysis |
MATH 230 |
Calculus Ⅱ |
ARTH 335 |
Renaissance to Modern Art in West |
ECON 302 |
Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON 370 |
Chinese Economy |
PHYS 102 |
Fundamentals of Physics Ⅱ (with lab) |
18:50-21:05 |
ENGL 110 |
(UWS)University Writing Seminar |
BUS 201 |
Introduction to International Business |
ACCT 202 |
Managerial Accounting |
MATH 135 |
Calculus Ⅰ |
ARTH 106 |
Introduction to Art History |
SOC 201 |
Introduction to Sociology |
Annex 2 Qingdao University International Summer Session Course Application Form
Basic Information |
Name |
Nationality |
Gender |
Political Status |
ID No. |
Educational Level |
Department |
Major |
Date of Enrollment |
Student ID |
Contact Information |
E-mail |
Tel.: |
Emergent Contact No. |
Cell Phone No. |
Address |
English Proficiency |
English Level |
□ CET-4 □ CET-6 □ TEM-4 □ TEM-8 □ IELTS □ TOEFL □Others ________(The corresponding text scores) |
English Learning or Training Experience: |
Course Info |
Class Time |
Course No |
Course Name |
The reason that you choose summer school courses. (You may choose more than one options) |
□ The courses are related to your major □ Have an interest in the selected course □ Try to experience American courses □ Want to contact overseas students and the professors at the university of North America □ Plan to study abroad in the future, so you want to get familiar with foreign education in advance Other Reasons___________________________ |
Signature of the Applicant: